Burning sunrise
7 years ago in #photography by ceramixer (62)
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Very nice work. :D
Ach du Scheiße, Chemtrails lassen grüßen!
Upped and Resteemed!
Das hab ich auch grad gedacht xD
Auf jeden Fall .
Chemo Land
das ist so :/
This looks really great. Since I also like photograph sunrises and sunsets it relates well to my blog. Now you got a big resteem from me.
Great picture of geoengeneering.
Geoengineeringwatch.org would surely appreciate this photo.
I thought the same thing about Geoengineering.org, when are people going to wake up?
you can see this every day in germany
yeah i just said chemtrails wtf!!!
Hast du gut ausgesucht @cryptoriddler. Die upvotes und Kommentare explodieren ja richtig nach deinem resteem.
Oh !!
It Looks Crazy...
Is it Real?
Greetings From Berlin
Don't you have chemtrails in Berlin?
I guess the Chem-trails are in other countries also! GG!
You bet!
Nice pic. Showing the ever present chemtrails we see in our world today.
Most people won't recognize! Too head-stuck and not brainwashed yet.
Its crazy. They have been spraying the skies with chemicals for years now. I just don't get why people arn't aware of it. I guess most are to busy and that's exactly what the powers that be pray on.
Spraying the sky with chemical is so absurd, like putting poison in water and tppth paste(Fluorid), or heavy metal in vaccines.
It is so unbelievable, that the governments don't want our health but our sickness, you have to be "pretty smart" to believe, that there are other "evil" forces behind the governments who want control the world, and are doing this since the invention of money. Too far fetched for people who believe in the news coverage of mainstream media.
Yeah there are 100% defo dark forces controlling our world from the shadows. In my mind I do not think these entities are human. They control education, media and the financial world to mention just a few. Have you seen the text on the Georgia guide stones? Scary stuff.
I don't know the Georgia guide stone.
People won't believe you, if you told them that dark forces control education, media and financial systems. If you wanted them to believe, these dark forces were extraterrestrial, they would put you into a white jacket and off you go....
But the good think is more peolpe are awakening from their mashed brain tv dream and think about many things different now. It's a good time to spread the truth!
You should google the Georgia Guide stones and check them out. Its like 10 alternative commandments in several different languages.
I try and get as much as truth out as people are willing to listen to. Thing is most are living in a huge bubble of lies and deceit. The truth is there if we just scratch a little below the surface.
I followed you bro. Seems maybe we have a few things in common. Nice to meet you.
Thank you, all!
wow ....!!!!superb photography
Die Farben sind ja schon genial, aber wenn ich wieder diese Chemtrails sehe wird mir schlecht
cool @trevi @drewid #follow4followandlike4like
Incredible sky!
Ja das ist der Moment, in dem man als Mensch alles stehen und liegen lassen muss! Hört auf Steuern zu zahlen, lasst euch krankschreiben oder kündigt eure Sklarbeitsverträge! Noch erkennen zu wenige was dort am Himmel passiert, aber es werden von Tag zu Tag immer mehr!
hier noch 2 Videos:
-Kopf Hoch ;-) Beste Grüsse aus Berlin
mazing picture the colors are beautiful
Looks like lazer war in the sky..pure piece of art
Really nice pic! Dig all the contrails.....
It's really a good photo of sunrise... I loved it. #upvoted and #resteem done
Nice photo! I got the same few months back in Lugano...It seems to be the result of temperature difference, which change the reflection of some chemical species in the air like CO2 or pollutants....but it is very impressive!
Schöne Aufnahme, ihr habt wohl regen Flugverkehr wie es aussieht xP
Amazing pic.
It's amazing...
Swine flu!
Such a great pic 👌
How u did that....amazing👍
Beautiful! 😍 does this happen often? :O
Stunning shot!!!!
Wow!!!!!!amazing photography..i like this traveling...i wait your next post ...all the best....
Wow that's amazing @ceramixer! What are those streaks? Looks like chemtrails.
lol #chemtrails from the airplanes!!!
It's like an animation.***
what an amazing pic :>
Great photography! That colors across the sky wow soooo goood
Please follow upvote me
@aneukmeutuah @gunairhamudin
This photo is really something! Awesome, thank you for sharing!
WOAH!!! This is an epic image. It can tell so may stories. The color vibrancy against the darkness is just mesmerizing. Such a beautiful image. Thank you for sharing.
This is beutiful. but it looks like chamtrail.
reddish sky looks always beautiful
You got a serious problem with aeroplanes xD
In the other hand, it creates this unique picture. Well done!
Wow awesome ,, so beautiful
Just awesome......noting to say..@ceramixer (52)
very beautiful view of friends
what a beautiful net here ! amazing photography !
Great photograph! Is there an airport nearby or is this a proving ground for geo-engineering?
wow, very nice picture, i want to Zoom it
Thanks for your efforts
Amazing sky and an amazing photo , congratulations !
spectacular ! amazing photography skills:) keep it up!