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RE: 2016 Annual Smithsonian Photo Contest

in #photography9 years ago

Hi! I am a content-detection robot. This post is to help manual curators; I have NOT flagged you.
I have detected a potential source:

Please try to refrain from copying articles to Steemit. Even if one links the source, this is still considered plagiarism and can end up in a DMCA notice being sent. You may also be downvoted, and added to a downvote bot's list if your account does this repeatedly.
If I am correct, please edit your post to only link to the article, then provide your own original thoughts on it.
NOTE: I am too dumb to tell if you are the author, so ensure you have proper verification in your post for human curators to check!


I confirm this post is plagiarism. People, stop upvoting plagiarism please.

It is certainly not. Plagiarism is "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own" (source: Google "define plagiarism"). This is not being "passed off", it is properly credited and sourced.

Not every post on Steemit has to be original. A lot of the value of information on the internet is collecting, selecting, and organizing of existing content in new ways.

The even bigger irony here is that the "source" that cheetah identified above is itself another news aggregation site.

It may not be plagiarism, but does it count as fair use? Did the news aggregation site have to get permission to use those photos on a site which also has advertising (and thus, a financial model built in)? These are some important questions I'd love to see clarified for the community. There's a discussion going on over here which uses @masteryoda's posts as an example, but it hasn't gotten much attention yet. If this could turn into an existential risk for the platform in general, shouldn't we get some clarification on where the boundaries are?

That is a completely different question and a worthy debate. I don't like false accusations of misconduct very much though. If someone (or someone's bot) is going to make accusations or suggestions of such, they at least should be accurate as to what is being alleged.

@smooth: Yes, I agree, false accusations can cause a lot of harm.

For me though, when I see photo collections like this I wonder, is that "someone else's work" being claimed as their own (i.e. the work of the original news site to curate the content together)? In other situations where content is reposted in full, there's been some discouragement of the practice suggesting a better approach would be to link to the source, maybe quote a few paragraphs and include some commentary. When it comes to photos... maybe it's different? I don't know. Either way, the source is listed here (though not linked), so I guess it's all good. If the courts do get involved in this stuff, hopefully we can just make adjustments then as needed. :)

Agree with you on this, alot of topic here are plagiarism, but also alot of it is usefull posts.
I have also posted something from other sites, but i put an ( Source: link) below my post.
I also like orginal post, and post who are self made.

Have a great day :)

Gooooo! @cheetah

Gotta catch them all!