It's good that you attempt to write without sounding "whiny"about your chronic illness. Writing can be a fantastic outlet. You're definitely allowed to vent
It's good that you attempt to write without sounding "whiny"about your chronic illness. Writing can be a fantastic outlet. You're definitely allowed to vent
I definitely have my moments when I’m angry or having a pity party, but I try to keep a good attitude. Sometimes that’s hard to convey when writing about chronic illness...people think I’m complaining when I’m really just trying to give people some insight into living with #MSK.
It's definitely on them for mis-perceiving you then & don't let that keep ya from writing about it =)
Oh I’m definitely going to be writing about it. It’s so rare and misunderstood even by specialists, I hope to be able to share my may help someone else struggling which #MSK
Yeah raising awareness is key and others may be shy about writing on the subject