You gave me an awesome idea ! I'm going to put my cuttings in shower so I don't have to keep track of the humidity ! ^^
That bathroom is going to look awesome after that =D I need to ask my gf if she would pose like that and let me take some photos and post them here ! ;D
Nice photos, as always! My favorite one is the second last one :)
You should definitely do that! But be careful if you have heated floors in the bathroom, I notised that they actually dry out the plants really fast. My Ivys got a bad case of spider mites because of that so now I moved them closer to the shower and give them a quick rinse every time I shower myself :D
And yes please for shower photos ;D
:DD No problem with heated floors here ^^ Cannabis cuts would actually like a little more warmer floor to root better ;)
I'll see what can I do, she is shy tho :P
Haha, maybe I should get some and try how they like my care :D
Just ask, I can give you some ^^
I'll think about it ;D
Have you grown before? :)
Nope, not even smoked any xD