I got a cheap macro extender off of Amazon this morning (this one: https://amzn.to/2uF0nse ) and took it out in the yard for a test run. Lens is Olympus 17mm f1.8, body is Olympus O-MD EM-5.
I got a cheap macro extender off of Amazon this morning (this one: https://amzn.to/2uF0nse ) and took it out in the yard for a test run. Lens is Olympus 17mm f1.8, body is Olympus O-MD EM-5.
Dude. Steemit’s image compression actually doesn’t suck that bad.
Yeah. I was initially putting up photos with Steepshot (which allows a click-on-it full rez) but then I tried a couple just uploading directly, and was pleasantly surprised. These are 2500px on the long edge; I've found that the bigger starting point, the better the result.
These are all lovely close-ups very pretty