Hilarious in the end 'the butcher comes to visit' the life of animal husbandry is really nice because it makes you feel animals are really communicable like fellow humans. Experience from the fact that my family got a poultry so i have an idea how it seem as. Nice pic capture and little experience of how the lamb and pig history is like. But i have a question, between cow,sheep and goat milk which you think is more nutritious? A friend of mine that studied agricultural and science mangement says, goat. Don you concur with that?
The most nutritious is from sheep, the healthiest from goats. It's not so simple to explain. I don't have time to go deeper. Sorry.
Its no problem but the most important thing is that you have given me a very vital hint to express myself when u meet up my friend that studied agricultural science. Thanks alot and i appreciate your upvotes on my personal post. 🖒🖒🖒