Ant is a worm. There are thousands of ants on earth And that ants can be found anywhere in the world.
Ants body description:
Ants have elbow-like horns. The ants are very narrow at the waist. Ants have 6 legs, 1 head. The ants cannot see the eyes. They remove saliva from the mouth. And through it the ants walk.
Ants are social organisms They like to live in groups. Millions of ants live in the family of ants. In an ant colony there are a few queen ants. Those whose work is to deliver a baby And this queen is surrounded by a number of army ants. Soldiers work to provide supplies for ants. And to relocate them to another place without fear of danger.
Ants are a lot of labor. They can work hard day and night. Ants can carry 10 times the weight of their body.
Some of these ants are very poisonous to some of these ants There are some terrifying ants in the Amazon forest. In whose bite the hands and feet are exhausted. Of these, Bullet Ants are more terrifying.
We know that every animal helps to balance the environment. Ants do a lot of harm to people. They do a lot of damage to the paddy tree. It also destroyed the building.
As much as I was ignorant about ants. I'm trying to highlight that. Please forgive me if my post looks bad.
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