
Thank you very much that you like this photo, @cloudblade, have a great weekend 😊

I might be a bit !DERANGED but not only I have a !BEER for you, but also a !COFFEEA which I have bought at the !MARLIANS !shop 😉



@xiaoq.sports 小Q 迎着暴雨 骑着飞毯 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Congratulations @cloudblade, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber!
@johannpiber will receive 0.29144813 TRDO & @cloudblade will get 0.19429875 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

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marlians Lucky you @cloudblade someone just gifted you Marlians, view all your tokens at