
Fog can be very relaxing because it hides all the distracting things around and you can see only what you need to see ... or sometimes you see nothing ;)
I enjoy walking in the fog very much because the white stuff around maked the world calm and peaceful ... and so quiet ;)

I might be a bit !DERANGED but not only I have a !BEER for you today, but also a !COFFEEA which I have bought at the !MARLIANS !shop 😉

I dare not walk in the fog
Whenever it fogs
I'm hiding at home
I am afraid can't see thing

And I love it, as I said - you can hear people talking, dogs barking, cars driving in the far but you cannot see them and they cannot see you ... I love it, because fog can make you focus on the important things.
That's how I try to live too: focus on the important things and don't see all that distracting stuff around anymore ;)

To give a !DERANGED and a !BEER is an easy and simple way for me to say thank you for being nice, and giving an additional !MARLIANS or !COFFEEA means I thank you even more 😉

Your try is very good.
I like to be in a !COFFEEA !shop, looking at the window, and the people coming and going, so that I can focus and clear my heart.

That's also a good idea - just sit and watch the people. You see them and wonder, how they might be called, what job they might have, if they are married and have a family... that would certainly clear my mind too. Maybe I should try this sometime too 👍🙂

I might be a bit !DERANGED but not only I have a !BEER for you today, but also a !COFFEEA which I have bought at the !MARLIANS !shop 😉

BEER Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day) Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @johannpiber here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

BEER Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~@hertz300 小Q 在晴空万里 开着拖拉机 给您送来


BEER Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day) You just received DERANGED @cloudblade Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at