🏚🕸Abandoned House: A Little Creepy and a Little Sad 🕸🏚

in #photography8 years ago

I've passed by this abandoned house a number of times, and this morning I decided to stop and take a tour. It's always an errie feeling entering such a dwelling. I suppose it's a combination of fear of the unknown coupled with a sense that you're somewhere that you don't belong.

It doesn't help when you walk into spider webs and climb up stairs that don't look like they'll support your weight. Then the thoughts kick in: what if I fall or get injured, who'd even know where I was and how long would it take for them to find me? I tell myself to put those thoughts on the back-burner and focus on getting the shots.

But what was weird about this house was that whoever cleaned it out was careful to preserve a lot of interesting pieces. As you'll see, some were neatly left on the floor, but a number of them were purposefully left on display on the window sills.

The sad part for me was seeing that there were several children's toys and the realization that they once called this their home.

This is a very image-heavy post, but you'll have to scroll your way through to see all the goodies. Enjoy!

All images @cognoscere


Really cool, abandoned homes make you think. Someone spent happy moments there that are now lost in time and all that remains is a ruin of a building they once called home.

My sentiments exactly @calaber24p.

I really enjoyed your images. I always feel somewhat sad when I see an abandoned house like this and it gets me to thinking about the people who lived there. What were they like? Where are they today? Things like that come to mind.

Thanks @contentking. It's easy to bulldoze memories away.

There is such a poignant beauty in the decay of the ephemera that make up our day to day lives. You can almost see the ghosts of the lives that were lived here. All that remain are mere echoes of those lives.

It strikes a certain melancholic note that is simultaneously romantic and aesthetically pleasing. The contradiction of sorrow and pleasure mixing is perhaps an ironic reflection of the events that occurred in this place when it was still a home.

Now it is a corpse, a skeleton of what it once was. Beautiful though, thanks for sharing these evocative images.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @thecryptofiend. It's in really bad shape, but for some reason they decided to leave it standing. I think the last occupants must have been hoarders because it was a huge cleanup that lasted several days.

Great series of pics, love the "frozen" in time look of everything.

that is a creepy place. That dusty toy box belongs in this creepy shack I found in China. If you like creepy places, and you did take some nice pics, check this out.

Thanks @solarguy, I'll check it out.

Really cool photos. Quite depressive, but beautiful.

Whoa, one thing I just noticed: a picture of that creepy stuffed rabbit in image #1 is hanging on the wall in image #16 😳 😱 👻

A creepy place, indeed. Hmm...well creepy in the way of not having the living things that we are thinking about looking at the pictures. I want to ask you what was in the left of the house? those little windows and in the pics number 5 and 6?