A Photo Tour of Parque Metropolitano in Guadalajara, Mexico, Contributed by @TangerineTravels

in #photography7 years ago

Some of our YouTube subscribers recommended that we go to Parque Metropolitano in Guadalajara and bring Laska (our Siberian Husky) with us. It's a large park with many paths and a substantial dog park.

Once we get to a city, we like to leave our car at our Airbnb and take some other form of transportation everywhere. However, if we were going to take Laska to this park we'd have to drive ourselves because it'd be a 4.5-mile walk each way in addition to all of the walking we'd have to do at the park.

We decided to just go ahead and dust of little ol' Lizzy, put Laska in the back, and take her to spend the day at the park. Lizzy is our tangerine-colored car, by the way. The inspiration behind @TangerineTravels.


Looking at Google Maps before coming here, we were expecting to see a large lake in the middle of the park. It turns out, that wasn't exactly the case. There was still a lake, but it was smaller than we were expecting. Right by that lake with water, there was another lake without water.

This "Parque Metropolitano" sign that Maddie is walking by in the above photo is massive! I tried getting a photo of it but couldn't snap a picture of the whole thing without going down into the dried-up lake bed.


In this instance, I'm doing everything I can to squeeze the whole sign in the photo without going down into the lake bed. My feet are literally right on the edge with a 15-foot drop off​ behind me.

I had no choice but to try to get down the steep hill and into the dried-up lake.


I'm way out into the lake at this point, but still not able to get the entire thing into view. Maybe if I had more selfie skills.


I promise this park is more than just a dried-up lake bed!


The park was clean throughout, probably thanks to the cutest trash cans I've ever seen.


Parque Metropolitano has interesting vegetation. Most of the park has trees, but they're pretty spread out and none are pine trees. But, as you're walking along the paths, the scenery around you completely changes.

Here, we were suddenly in the middle of a small pine tree forest.


As was mentioned earlier, the park has a lot of paths in and around it. The path on the left side of this photo is primarily used for bikes and the one on the right is for running/walking.


This tree is pretty incredible! Its above-ground, visible root structure is about 20 feet wide with roots going in all directions.


This is the second park that we've been to in Guadalajara. Of the two, while there's not really anything wrong with this one, we'd definitely recommend the other one more. If you're in GDL and can only visit one park, head to Bosque Los Colomos.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @TangerineTravels


This park is super cool. That is one cute trash can, haha.
Quite a big park and I hope to visit one day too. Well done. You have always been impressive.

By the way, you have an amazing trip to "Parque Metropolitano", it's a green and clean environment as I see. Hopes I can step my feet there someday.
Anyway, if you want to know about Indonesia, you can visit my blog sometime, as I just wrote an article to celebrate my first month Anniversary on this cutting edge social media. I love this platform.
Cheers ❤️Hi @communitycoin! May I know your YouTube channel? I love traveling too. Who knows I"ll find something good out there. Travelling Tips and tricks may be. I would love to watch it.

Hello! This post was written by @tangerinetravels whose YouTube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/tangerinetravels

Well, I'll check that YouTube channel directly. Thanks for sharing me the link.Are you collaborating each other between @communitycoin and @tangerinetravels in writing this article?

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@communitycoin you've been so amazing with these posts. And also featuring other people is really amazing. Keep the ball rolling. I love u

They love you too 😂😂😂

Park , really? I never seen the park so large like that

Interesting post good work keep it up

Well with all these shots, it shows its a beautiful place

Well done and thanks for sharing

@communitycoin this is amazing i like it.

This is interesting and good work @communitycoin, amazing post and beautiful shot

This is not a park but a world. So nice

I think it's worth the travel. The place look great and there's a lot of trees!