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RE: Strobist Photography - Group Shot Against The Sun

in #photography7 years ago

Brilliant question, and indeed it was trial and error, although I had a fair idea what angle would work. I've never used a strobe with a modeling lamp outside of a studio. I imagine it would need to be very powerful to be effective in such bright conditions.


Cool. Thanks for the reply. And you're right...with a modeling light, in full sun, you would probably not see the modeling light. I have not messed around with flashes in sunlight a whole lot yet. Here's one attempt I did. I think the strobe was 500ws or so, and firing at full power? I know it had the run of the mill parabolic reflector on it. In this case, the strobe is off to the camera right, and sun beating down from camera upper left. So the strobe is the key, and I used the sun as a fill. Like I said though...I have very little experience in these conditions. Something that I want to work on some more.


Also, this line from your post was really helpful for me:

Unless you're Annie Leibovitz, group shots aren't so much about creating the most beautiful, dramatic light, as getting an even spread across the subjects