This is going to be a very helpful series. I liked what you said about being in the moment and not being distracted by the need to get the perfect shot. Just go with what's happening around you and it will happen.
I have a lot of respect for street photographers. I'm way too shy to do this but I enjoy seeing the photos you make.
The warming up tip was good too. It's true about how stiff I can be when I first start taking some shots. And as I go it gets easier to see things differently because I am more aware of my surroundings.
Good post @alcibiades. And wonderful shots! I love the girl and her dog - they are both enjoying different views together. And what's cute is they both have their heads cocked a bit.
I often think that shy people enjoy this type of photography the most because they are good observers and being among people without necessarily interacting with them feels good.
You should definitely try it, it will push you to get out of your comfort zone. Quite exciting. :)
Glad you liked the photos once again! The girl with her dog - yeah, it was a beautiful scene and how they have their backs against each other. So lovely. There's also a little girl in the woman's lap which you couldn't see from that angle.
Aw....that tells an entirely different story now, doesn't it? The dog is the watcher....while mom and child have a quiet time.
Thanks for the encouragement. Maybe I'll give it a go in another village isn't busy enough and people don't like cameras here. I used to take photos of our grandkids at the park and I'd get looks and had to explain.
Maybe I'll even get in a photo of my converse shoes :)
Yup, the dog is making sure they are safely enjoying their day in the park. :) It's nice how a photo can tell much more different stories depending on the perspective and exact moment it was taken.
Being in a big city definitely helps if you are taking photographs - everyone's minding their own business and don't pay much attention to stranger with a camera.
Would love to see those converse shoes. :)
One day you'll see them, one day. Hint...they are pale washed out think spring/summer. I have to scuff them up a bit too bc they are so white and new looking.
Thanks again for the street photo tips.