Wonderful post and a sharing of your passion. You've said so many things in this post - I am resteeming it because I want everyone to read it and learn.
you said
There are hundreds of pictures that I haven’t taken simply because I wanted to be in the moment.
Yes. I've done this too. My husband will ask where my camera is and I'll tell him I just want to experience where we are without it. Then I can go back with my camera. Some things are best relived through memory. Like you said
I remind myself that the experience is the true reward
Another thing I related to - I compare to others because I want to be the best (for me) at photography. I have a huge desire to make wonderful photos. I need to be happy with my work like you said.
I did find value in this post and I thank you for being so open about your journey.
Finding my people is the hardest for me. I'll keep on learning and asking questions.
Thanks, Chase. I really appreciate this post and your support.
Thank you so much. I know you'll find your people. Keep searching and never settle. So happy I can make a positive impact :)