Mentone Moments

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

20180120_105604.jpg Clouds mass like airships in the crisp blue sky above Mentone, CA.

I determined that I would finally confront Yucaipa Ridge Trail via the old Edison building on Hwy 38. Although Yucaipa Ridge is a Forest Road, its access is blocked on all sides by private property owners. However, a very steep switchbacking trail pops up in Edison's backyard.

20180120_121239.jpg 1926 plaque

20180120_121103.jpg Bits and pieces

20180120_120947.jpg Edison outbuilding

20180120_113922.jpg A ruined house perched on the hillside

The way was very steep indeed, and I actually climbed a couple short sections on my hands and knees! The trail just kept climbing straight up the ridgeline without mercy.

Finally, even my dog asked to call it quits with the climbing. It was not graded for hiker enjoyment, it seemed rather to be designed for utilities and aquaduct access by atv.

20180120_105602.jpg View of Crafton Hills and beyond.

Even a secondary foray up the ravine was foiled by private property.

20180120_115728.jpg You shall not pass!

I cannot say I was undaunted, because I really was quite daunted and left the premises a little weepy. I decided to venture into the Mill Creek floodplain and see how far I could go down the Old Fish Hatchery Road.

20180120_124344.jpg The Edison approach to Yucaipa Ridge as viewed from the floodplain.

The road was washed out very close to the turn off, and I got out to explore the aquaduct ruins on foot and let Brisket play in the water.

20180120_125616.jpg If you zoom in, you can see an aquaduct tunnel entrance. It is currently occupied by a person living off the grid.

20180120_124121.jpg Water tower of native river cobble in the willows.

20180120_124202.jpg Elmer

The floodplain was also cut off at the end by more private property, old ranches and such. As a side note, this whole area is slated for destruction by Orange County developers.

Onward to more Mentone adventures in part two, wherein I encounter an illicit open-air art gallery!

Thank you for joining me on my wanderings today. Remember, if the task gets dangerously steep, discretion might be the better part of valor.



I went hiking today. It was beatiful today in Fulerton

Very cool! Nice to see you here <3

Going up is always a tad easier than going down, from
my point of view anyway lol

words to go with!! ❤ Beautiful photos @creationofcare and your awesome

Thanks, my dear @shasta! Your considerate words are very appreciated. I totally agree with you about hiking up vs down. My knees are a little busted from the descent lol!

#walkwithme Oops, I meant to include this tag!