Our love for cemeteries


Many people love to vacation at the beach, bask in the sun, and get friggin sand all in their innards - NOT ME- give me a historic cemetery and I am as happy as can be. There are some in the US, but most of our favorites are overseas- the age and the architecture of these places make most of our 'homes of the dead' pale in comparison. I'm trying to think of Daily themed posts, and I think we'll go with Cemetery Thursday. Every week I'll add a few of my favorite photos that I've taken. Feel free to bring up some of your favorite spots..... if you are into that type of thing. These are from our trip to Paris, just a couple of our favorites





I share your fascination with cemeteries. Some people do grave rubbings - paper and crayon - but with digital cameras, I imagine that's a declining pastime.
Just noticed you were one follower short of a perfect follow ratio, and you post a lot of cool stuff, so I'm following you now. :) I found you via your comment on @readingdanvers post (The Exorcist).

And your Exorcist photos (you met Blatty in person, and still correspond with his son): http://amityphotos.zenfolio.com/p217682869

I'm pretty new to this steemit thing. I love cemeteries and anything creepy (and rabbits). I never did any grave rubbings- I know a lot of places ban them now. I love the architecture they used in cemeteries, mostly in Europe. It is funny that I saw readingdanvers when I was looking for stuff on Danvers State Hospital which was a beautiful building and a unique cemetery. If you have any tips on making Steemit work, please let me know. I could be found under Amityphotos in most places (website, fb, etc)

Time to plan Cemetery Tour 2018

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

I love the sad cherub

That is my all time favorite - anywhere. I'd give anything for that statue. If these were in our area, they would have all been torn down for scrap

There will definitely be a cemetery theme for the Anandoned Shit Weekly contest.

That would be great. I'm trying to think of a bunch of different abandoned categories, because I know it's going to be pretty tough after a couple of months.

Most of my childhood I was sat in cemeteries admiring the stone art, and I still do no matter how creepy people think I am, even had a few paranormal experiences there too x

I'm into this type of thing, nice photos! There's an old cemetery in Puerto Villarta, Mexico that I had too much fun photographing. Each gravesite was unique, some were very elaborate and colorful.