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RE: When I Was A Photographer - When Cryptogee Met Chris

in #photography7 years ago

I've never seen you sharing the story of what made you to quit photographic.

Thanks for your kind words, however it can be summed up very simply; money...

I wasn't successful enough, I needed to sell more pictures and it is a very cliquey industry, plus even though I took some nice stuff, I wasn't good enough (or determined enough) to break into that world.

Back then it was all on film and therefore the amount of money I spent, versus the amount I made was a negative sum game, so I stopped.

It's nice now that I can make a bit of money back from some of my photography, but in reality it cost me thousands upon thousands and I'm not rich so I couldn't just keep pouring in money and never making any.



Oh, that's a great determinant, money is one of the reasons why many forfeit their dreams, I posted about a friend who was very good at singing but ended up as an instrumentalist for other singers because he had no money to promote himself.

Well, thank God you are making sense out of of it now than when those pictures were taken through the help of steemit.

For the sake of your steemit fan, lay hold on the modern camera and still give us your best, you will spend less by earning more now.... Smile