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RE: How Copying and Pasting Images Can Get You In Trouble

in #photography9 years ago

I think you have to experience having copyrighted work stolen from to understand. Some have a totally different view on this than others, and to be honest everyone is probably right,lol.....but experience it and you feel like you want to venture down the warpath.


Im not saying its okay. I believe linking\Framing the image is legal.
Maybe someone can read this and tell us.

That doesn't cover the case where a human being creates a new work that uses the original work creatively. That article is aboutautomated processes such as framing, deep linking, and thumbnailing.

The issues are completely different in the two cases. In automated use cases, the question is whether the use is transformative. In creative use cases, the question is whether the new work is derivative.

Using someone else's images creatively in your own work would be derivative and you would need a fair use defense or you would be infringing. (IANAL.)