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RE: How Copying and Pasting Images Can Get You In Trouble

in #photography9 years ago

As a creator of original content in a virtual world, i have had to deal with not only images but entire files being stolen and reused to gain profit, so i know how it feels to be "Ripped Off". Images are very hard to police. The whole concept of "Theft" is in the eye of the beholder, some take offence and would love to grab the offender and string them up by there legs and lash them ,lol. But then on the flipside some artists etc aren't as concerned as it can bring more exposure. My way of thinking is fairly straight forward and logical, and that is it doesn't feel morally right for me to use anyone else's images unless they are 100% license free to the public and/or i can give them credit. I try to use my own or edit my own as much as possible mainly because i like original content and hate to be in the "Oh man that guy over there is wearing the same t-shirt as me' category. But everyone to their own and i don't bash anyone for it, i just wont upvote if i see it happening within a post. Not that matters alot yet lol not a whale not even a dolphin, but it will matter in the future.