Subuh Photography

in #photography6 years ago


“I handed all my love unfaithful and imperfect it only to you. I just beg the blessing over all thy judgment, coolness after my death, a pleasure to look at love and longing for love.”

” Kuserahkan semua cintaku yang tak setia dan tak sempurna ini hanya kepada-Mu. Aku hanya mohon ridho atas segenap keputusan-Mu, kesejukan setelah matiku, kenikmatan untuk memandang cinta dan kerinduan terhadap cinta. ”

“Please forgive this worthless self, O God … fill my lifewith beauty your magfiroh, all jokes painted tears and laughter in my life, an attempt will I do to learn mengarifi life of ups and downs themselves grabbed a handful of love That gave inner wealth to me, how colorful life journey because the love that is in me is thy nature. “

” Ampunilah diri yang tak berharga ini ya Allah… penuhilah kehdupan dengan keindahan magfirohmu, semua canda tangis dan tawa terlukis dalam hidupku, sebuah usaha akan aku lakukan untuk belajar mengarifi hidup dari jatuh bangunnya diri meraih segenggam cinta Yang memberi kekayaan bathin kepadaku, betapa penuh warna perjalanan hidup ini karena cinta yang ada pada diriku adalah fitrah-Mu. ”


Dear Sir @cut-nurdian , First of all, thanks for posting so beautiful,
Sir @cut-nurdian , #photography is an #art. We know that the demand for #photography in this world is increasing, basically a #photographer said a natural scene and said beauty of one man beautifully through #photography, we all like beautiful pictures,
Seeing your picture, you might expect a #photographer in the future to look at the beauty of nature and learn about nature, in one word it will make you aware of the whole world.
I hope you are in your work.