Classic motorbikes of my village // Motocicletas Clásicas de mi pueblo

in #photography7 months ago

There was a time when the roads were not so crowded with vehicles. Cobblestone or poorly surfaced dirt roads, but with these motorbikes it was a great adventure. There was no remote place that could escape them. Lost villages where no tourism could reach. It didn't matter how long it took you to get there, because that was the best and what you would remember most.

Some of these two-wheeled jewels are still practically as they were on the first day in my city. Motorbikes of leading brands such as the German BMW and the Italian Ducati.

Hubo una época donde las carreteras no estaban tan atestadas de vehículos. Carreteras de tierra adoquinadas o mal asfaltadas pero con estas motocicletas era una gran aventura. No había lugar recóndito que se les pudiera escapar. Pueblos perdidos donde no llegaba el turismo. No importaba cuanto tiempo tardases en llegar, por ser eso lo mejor y lo que más se iba a recordar.

Algunas de esas joyas de dos ruedas se mantienen prácticamente como el primer día en mi ciudad. Motocicletas de marcas punteras como son la alemana BMW y la italiana Ducati.


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This sixties two hundred cubic centimetre motorbike is cared for as if it had never been used. A treasure of my city.

Esta motocicleta sesentera de doscientos centímetros cúbicos está cuidada como si se no hubiera usado. Un tesoro de mi ciudad.


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Esta es la BMW R45.


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This early eighties beauty has four hundred and fifty cubic centimetres. It is in such good condition that it looks like a scale model of a motorbike.

Esta preciosidad de principios de los ochenta tiene cuatrocientos cincuenta centímetros cúbicos. Está en tan buen estado que parece una maqueta a escala de una motocicleta.


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The most powerful is the BMW R75. The owner tells me that he bought it new and it was worth the same or slightly more than a mid-range car, but he has never had to take it to the garage. German quality.

La más potente es la BMW R75. Me dice su dueño que la compró nueva y valía igual o algo más que un coche de gama media, pero que nunca ha tenido que llevarla al taller. Calidad alemana.


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I used a web translator for english text (DeepL)

Photos by @cuvi taken with an Iphone 12pro.

2024 All rights reserved.

Fotografías de @cuvi hechas con un Iphone 12pro. 2024 Reservado todos los derechos.

By @cuvi,

Creador de contenido desde 2016

Content creator since 2016

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Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!