Zarzamora // Blackberry

in #photography4 years ago

El fruto de la zarzamora es muy típico en la dieta estival por sus propiedades antioxidantes además de es cuando se recolectan por estar maduras.

The blackberry fruit is very typical in the summer diet due to its antioxidant properties and it is also when they are harvested because they are ripe.


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La fruta está madura cuando su color es negro y es una fruta salvaje o fruta del bosque donde es un rico aporte de vitaminas para el ganado. Suele usarse para adornar postres como tartas y pasteles.

The fruit is ripe when its colour is black and it is a wild fruit or fruit of the forest where it is a rich source of vitamins for livestock. It is often used to decorate desserts such as cakes and pies.


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Hay que tener cuidado con sus ramas por tener grandes espinas.

Care must be taken with its branches as they have large thorns.


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Sus flores no pasan desapercibidas por los insectos polinizadores.

Its flowers do not go unnoticed by pollinating insects.


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I used a web translator for english text (DeepL)

Photos by @cuvi taken with an Iphone 12 Pro

2021 All rights reserved

Fotografías de @cuvi hechas con un Iphone 12 Pro. 2021 Reservado todos los derechos.

By @cuvi,

Creador de contenido desde 2016

Content creator since 2016

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