(..some graffiti and a piece of street art on the side of the highway and a final one outside the highway, still close by..)

[click the muffin ↑]
(..?! was it not..)
(..3 crazy kids..)
(..Caos, chaos, the world is governed by it since most people are lazy conformist pricks..)
(..lots of chaos..)
(..Mother Fucking Hell [I guess]..)
(..in all colours, flavours and levels of simplicity or complexity..)
(..cause we're all gonna DIE DIE DIE..)
(..OG graffito I've always thought it was SHOW, heck might even be SHaN or SHaW, but it in the end I guess and was told it is shon..)
..until next one..
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
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