Happy Labor day Friends!
So today was a very busy day for me but first let us begin with a short history of this International day.
In 1889, the International Socialist Congress decreed May 1st as International Labor Day, in memory of the victims of the Chicago general strike, the day being commemorated by workers demonstrations. Over time, May 1st has become the celebration of worker movements in most countries of the world, and the various manifestations have grown to the extent that the authorities have agreed with the unions that this day should be free.
În anul 1889, Congresul Internaționalei Socialiste a decretat ziua de 1 mai ca Ziua Internațională a Muncii, în memoria victimelor grevei generale din Chicago, ziua fiind comemorată prin manifestații muncitorești. Cu timpul, 1 mai a devenit sărbătoarea mișcărilor muncitorești în majoritatea țărilor lumii, diversele manifestări căpătând amploare pe măsură ce autoritățile au convenit cu sindicatele ca această zi să fie liberă.
In Romania, the feast of labor was "brought" by King Charles II in 1890, but it only grew in the communist era. The festive atmosphere in which the "brave leaders" were content with the peace and well-being offered was created by people from villages and towns, forced out of houses to show their "gratitude" to the "great hero" represented, by Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej and Nicolae Ceausescu.
Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej
Image source: http://bit.ly/2w3KFb2
Nicolae Ceaușescu
image source:google search images
Ceaușescu and Richard Nixon
Image source:http://bit.ly/2jhy5Ma
În România, sărbătoarea muncii a fost "adusă" de regele Carol al II-lea, în 1890, dar a luat amploare abia în era comunistă. Atmosfera festivă în care se mulţumea "bravilor conducători" pentru liniştea şi bunăstarea oferită era creată de oameni de la sate şi din oraşe, scoşi cu forţa din case pentru a-şi manifesta "recunoştinţa" faţă de "marele erou" reprezentat, pe rând, de Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej şi Nicolae Ceauşescu.
Ok so now we know that many people usually go and make a barbecue on this day or they go on a trip or on a hike...
Ok, acum știm că mulți oameni merg de obicei să facă un grătar în această zi sau merg într-o călătorie sau pe o excursie pe jos ...
In this photo you see romanian littles or MICI
In această poză vedeti mici românești
But NOO ...we...worked today!
So we start by cutting some material to put as a cover on the rooftop of an outside toilet/shower
Dar NU ... noi ... am lucrat astăzi!
Deci, începem prin tăierea unor materiale care să fie acoperite pe acoperișul unei toalete / dușuri exterioare
The rooftop was covered in advance with a substance called Grund
Acoperișul a fost acoperit în avans cu o substanță numită Grund
On the exterior was looking like this :
Pe exterior arăta astfel:
Now on the top we used a blow torch to heat the material that will stick the the roof
Acum, pe partea de sus am folosit o torță pentru a încălzi materialul care va lipi acoperișul
The material used was made from a rubber substance mixed with small rocks .
Now we just have to wait for it to dry ...for few hours ... but the hard part is done.
Materialul folosit a fost făcut dintr-o substanță din cauciuc amestecată cu pietre mici.
Acum trebuie să așteptăm să se usuce ... pentru câteva ore ... dar partea greu de făcut.
In that time we made a small installation for the garden that drips water on the seeds.
În acel moment am făcut o mică instalație pentru grădina care picură apă pe semințe.
Bobiță helped also
Bobiță a ajutat si el.
So that was my story for today I am Cynetyc and ...
I will see you next time!
Deci asta a fost povestea mea pentru azi Eu sunt Cynetyc si te voi vedea data viitoare!
Good good, get busy on Labor Day!
O yeah... always!
Pay their wage on time and help them is the best policy.
Hello Sir, @cynetyc
Happy Labor Day....Keep going sir.
Wishing you all the best.
Happy labor day man!
Thank you very much @mindlock!
Happy labor Day...!! :)
Thank you so much @ikrahch!
Thanks for the information and useful story.
Have a great day @cynetyc
Much Appreciated @goldcoin!
Labor Day!Well done @cynetyc it is very good when you do a good job even on a
Yep I feel that way also thank you @fevronia!
Sir I enjoy this post ..& happy labor day sir
Happy Labor day to all@cynetyc, That's brilliant explanation and nice photo shots indeed amazing blog. Cute puppy there and nice gardening images.
Happy Labor day to all social workers!! Awesome Cool shots of all pictures.
This little Puppy is soo Cute ;-)
Gardening pictures seems you're nice gardener and plants growth up now. Today labor day and celebrate all in this holiday.It's most fabulous description & photography sharing @cynetyc.
Absolutely brilliant history details of International labor day. Better camera shots taken. Puppy so cute.
We all are lobor...so we should respect lobor and this dayGreat point for today.... @cynetyc.. Today is the lobor day...
labor day!
But labor can't celebrate this day :( ask me why? because they are still working to get some bucks to support their families :(
and that makes very sad :(
I don't about your country but this is happening in my country :(
I belive you @abdulmanan!
ON this special day everyone is celebrating the holiday but the one who should be celebrating it, is working for his family :(
it's kinda make me sad :(
You're really working good.on your garden. It's looking really organized.
Didn't know you had the birds as well.
You are a nature lover indeed
And didn't know about the history of the labor day.
Happy Labor day to you as well :)
Happy Labor day to you my dear Friend
Everybody loves to spend time on their hobbies–no matter whether you love shopping, diving, going to the cinema, travelling, hiking, or one of thousands of other leisure activities, you probably spend a large part of your life figuring out how to it more often. Unfortunately, however, the truth is that in order to have the money to do what you love to do, you also have to work. Of course, there are some lucky people among us truly love their jobs, but regardless of how much we enjoy doing our jobs, we have to do them. But we should also remember that each and every little job we do is necessary and valuable to society, from garbage man to nurse to teacher to policeman. Together, all of us build society, making it a better, safer place with each passing year. Now, isn’t that something worth celebrating? We think it is, so let’s celebrate International Workers’ Day together!
That is very written @johndilan!
All jobs are very important and to quote a Famous Documentary:
Somebody has to do it!
Also this reminds me of workers for iphones that I saw in another documentary.
I never used an Iphone before because they are very expensive I use for a few years now a Samsung J5 phone and I am very happy with what I have.
But I saw that documentary were in a small room there were living 4-5 people and they were working non-stop on phones ....until they would have a mental brake and jump from the building....
The situation got so bad ....but the company did not care about them....instead offering them better accommodations or wages...they installed a fence with razor wire to catch the falling bodies from people that are jumping.
The documentary ended on this phrase:
Please respect your phone!
I still have chills on my spine since that day because that person who said that ..committed suicide.
And so I never forget how important each job is and how everything is connected.
But do you still using normal phone or you updated it into I-phone now ?@cynetyc I agree with you that every job is important.Cause if you respect your job from your heart, it doesn't matter is that normal or massive You will learn respect to everything. Yeah that's true that everything is somehow connected. I appreciate about what you've said.
Nope I still use my Samsung j5, it works just fine and all my steemit photos are made with this phone.
ohhhhhh that was better too. I think most of things and happiness in this world depend on human satisfaction psychology. Stay happy happy, what you've got . That's the real happiness, I hope you're still happy what you've now. Stay blessed my friend, God bless You @cynety : )
really you showing very important information.its very usefull..your tomoto and historical photo absolute you click very perfectly.just amazing knowledge thought of u..i am really learning alots of new thing in your blog.. happy labor day..my dear friend.. @cynetyc
I also like photography in different place and enjoy their photo shot.Your plant field place is very wonderful.It must have been a wonderful experience to be on an nature as beautiful.
have a nice day.
upvotedHappy Labour day to you @cynetyc go ahead your work @cynetyc
Oh yes, my friend, I congratulate you on May 1 and wish you success in your work! I see you also celebrate this holiday with fried meat on the coals and it's great! You managed to cover the roof and plant tomatoes, fully combined that day with something useful and pleasant, and the Bobiță helped as always, haha. Well done! Thank you @cynetyc
Thank you very much for your praise and kind words @sekagan!
The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere - in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves. No one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the beautiful, there is a sense of homecoming...
happy Labour day @cynetyc
Yes today 1 may. Im working :( Happy labor Day..dear @cynetyc
Wow! Great and amazing post sir.
Happy labours day.🤗💙
Good article.
Nice content.
Very well articulated.
Excellent job sir.
I love your post. 😍
Thanks @cynetyc for sharing this post.
Upvoted + resteemed your post.
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.
These pics are really awesome, hope you have celebrated itbto fullest. You have grilled some good food, the agriculture field looks good and the dog looks adorable. Happy Labor day to you too @cynetyc
Labor Day is a great day in year for evry people really recpect this day
cz i am a worker
thank you sir @cynetyc
HA ha I find that very funny because of your avatar and name . It reminds me that we are like robots for big big companies...if we break, they buy a new one.
Much appreciated @resteem-robot!
That is amazing writing experience.
For your post propagation.
This day is usually celebrated on 1st May every year but it tends to also vary as per the countries. This day is also known as the May day. It is celebrated in order to acknowledge the economic and social achievements of workers. It is celebrated to promote and encourage the labour associations.The theme of celebrating this May Day is to finish the struggle as well as to promote the requirement of eight-hour work day, this was triggered as earlier the standard working hours ranged from 12 to 16 hours a day.
To overcome people’s agitation and safeguard themselves from moral and physical injuries it was essential to cut it short to 8 hours a day. This day has utmost importance in every country as this lays the dedication towards the efforts of the work force.
Fantastic! Happy Labor day
Thank you very much @minoservice, much appreciated!
nici, good story.
I am amazed by your writing.
this is very attractive to many people to read your post.
Excellent photography and great post
100% like and resteem
Happy Labour day to you @cynetyc,
Love the idea of you using this holiday to do some work.
You have done alot of work fixing those pipes for your garden. They look neatly done.
So Great topic and wonderful photography.
Resteem @cynetyc
If suddenly the whole workers of the whole world disappear then the whole world will stop! Let us all realise this and let us celebrate the workers - these great people who make our world move!!!!!
@cynetyca informative article.
Upvoted and resteemed my friend. thank you for using my service instead of bots
Thank you very much @bekirsolak, much appreciated!
My pleasure my friend. I am waiting for the next time :)
This post was upvoted and resteemed by And upvote service @okankarol Thank you for using @okankarol
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Thank you very much for a great service as always @okankarol!
Very beautiful photography as always, amazing pictures of your gardening and your dogy is so sweet pet
Happy labour day, even if in my country it's on the 7th.
O yeah, that is very interesting @pyromaniac22!
Seems like the day was passed very smoothly for you buddy :)
Ro is looking really cute by the way !
Very impressive. Exceptional photos from your incredible hand. Very beautiful my friend.
Very beautiful to be enjoyed. The ability to photograph no doubt. Thank you for sharing my friends amazing photos.
Happy labor day. This day is very especial to all people in the world. All photography is so amazing. Thanks for sharing and have a good day
May day is one the day of may month which symbolize the workers rest day,,,every step of life working is needy,,nobody can't live without work,,rest is one of the part of work,,so we all are working ,,But In this day,,many Garments workers are died to success their vision ,,we respect their vision,,and this day was a memorable day of the world history,,thanks @cynetyc for sharing your article,,@upvoted
Even we have Bank Holiday in India for Labor Day!
Workers world wide really needs to be celebrated for their hardwork in promoting national progress. Happy labor day to you @cynetyc. Quality and beautiful photos you had
Happy labor day sir @cynetic. We all remember the day for their sacrifice for justice and equality. My heart felt respect for the legends.
These pics are really awesome, hope you have celebrated itbto fullest. You have grilled some good food, the agriculture field looks good and the dog looks adorable.Happy Labor day to you too @cynetyc
Tomato photo shot and historical photo shot is really cool ever.
nice job sir. Happy Labor day
Thank you very much @sabbir1213!
BBQ image increase my mouth watering. Another images so inspiration and stunning. Great day to every workers. Nice gardening-trail.
The date was chosen by a pan-national organization of socialist and communist political parties to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago on 4 May 1886. The 1904 Sixth Conference of the Second International, called on "all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace.
A great day @cynetyc and today a holiday of labor and spring, a wonderful tradition, in my opinion! you also had a busy day today and you managed to make a roof and start planting a tomato, and how on any holiday did a treat of meat and I think your dog was also happy, an excellent day!
These pics are really awesome, hope you have celebrated itbto fullest. You have grilled some good food, the agriculture field looks good and the dog looks adorable..Happy Labor day to you too @cynetyc