Changing the perspective and angle can create a completely different photo. If we focus not so much on the subject of the photo but on its shape and the overall composition it's possible to create something I consider to be more artistic.
Today as I was walking around I started looking at the forest from different angles. That's when I found this frame.
It's a reversed birdeye perspective where I look straight up. It's an old during tree that I think looks almost like a bolt of lighting. It's a nice jagged shape and brings great contrast to the other green fluffy trees.
What did you think it was that you saw when you first glimpsed at the image ?
I thought it was a branch jutting out sideways. But then, maybe it's a tree and it's heading upward. Which one is it?
Also, I'd like to see it again only flipped upside-down. For fun.
It's a tree but you only see the branches here, the whole tree has died and I'm surprised it's still standing.
That's kinda crazy!
Haha yea it looks almost a bit spooky
what i saw was that it looks like a river tributaries linking into the sea, with different branches and sources where the blue sky represent the sea. but the photo looks very sharp and clear @dandesign86
That's a very interesting interpretation- and if I saw it for the first time without knowing what it was I also would think the blue was the sea
Cool I like your idea on the background, to take a pic of something that looks something else! This really may be related to a cloudy day with a lighnting
Thank you,
i want to try to do more of these kind of images .
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