
Count me and my hubby in! LOL! Like how I just invited myself? hehehe

:)) That's similar to turkish culture :)

Is that so?! I think I would for in great with your culture! 😆

Cool :))
The turkish culture isn't my culture, I just used to live there a couple of years;)

You are welcome to come haha! Let's just hope Steem starts going up fast :)

Haha:) I hope you'll get rich and buy it back... but makes sense that they sold it.

Thanks for your invitation buddy, but I don't drink :)

We can always drink something not alcoholic, I'm actually trying to cut down on alcohol, it's very bad when you want to stay in shape

Of course, we can :)
You should cut down, as alcohol not only is bad when you want to stay or get in shape it's also a severe factor for many diseases... Stay healthy buddy...