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RE: Hedonistic Tendencies

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Two bottles of wine surely, one won't last all night... A Chianti and a Rioja (if I can find a nice Reserva) would work... I hope Emmett likes me, has he still got teeth?

And is it terribly geeky of me that I was reading the spines of your books..? Looking for conversational material, that's my excuse! :D


Be careful, Emmett is very protective of me.

Very geeky, and I like it. Those coffee table books are mostly fashion/photography variety.

I thought he might be - wants to keep you all to himself..? I'll keep fingers away from his teeth then ;)

Large format books are lovely for photographs... Do you print any of yours out? I can imagine a very fine, risqué coffee table book of your photos - I'd buy it! ;)

No I don't. I don't think my images are that great, yet. Maybe some day :D

I disagree... But then, no-one's ever happy with their own work, I think that if we come content with the art we produce then the art suffers. We must always think we could have done better, that's what drives the art. Try printing a few, it might surprise you.
And there's something almost sensual about black and white photographs on the page, a tactile experience to match the visual, which would suit your work perfectly :D

I kind of think it would be even a bit too vain for me to print out pictures of myself. Even though there are some that I really like.