(I might have titled this while the paint patiently drys beautifully.)
Nature takes it course. Happy, buoyant and patient it takes it's time. Anxiety free, nature knows each moment is truly momentous and filled with mystery.
I say nature waits deeply and in that waiting, in that staying put, it becomes the master witness - missing nothing.
Light tears into steel as the bubbles of time burst the painted-on armor that no longer protects this steel column from oxidization. I find this stunningly beautiful. My whole existence waits for these moments when I notice something like this. Something that could never have been created in a hurry.
This is the art of seasons of ceremony. Summer, fall, winter and spring - over and over again. The dancing of wind and rain, the searing of the sun, the bitter freezing cold of Minnesota January.
I am wondering How long does it take to make something that is never finished?
All of this has become one moment held dear with the opening and closing of a digital camera shutter.
image 1; Exposed metal surfaces meet air and paint chip off an electric pole in Minneapolis.
I asked, "have I forgotten how to wait?" In response I saw the wall, the barrier and as I snapped image after image and moon phased overhead I understood the treasure. The wall was slowly crumbling and I knew the time was coming. In the meantime I noticed this simple brick wall was lovely, even blossom like.
image 2; brick by brick someone built this wall that now crumbles chunk by chunk.
The old has gone - the new coming.
The broken thing is often the most beautiful.
This is the ceremony of the ages.
This is the ceremony of agelessness.
This is the ceremony of what is here now.
Like a bond that is really just a tool to keep you waiting for the right moment.
Nothing last for very long, so everything is beautiful.
Share it.
image 3; broken bonds inspire the child in me, the child that loves big , huge, steel nuts & bolts.
If someone fixed or replaced this door, the whole personality of this building would be shattered. I hope this door stays here because I find it looks so beautiful. The wear and tear are analog, temporary, one of a kind.
That doesn't mean I do not want to open it, walk through and never look back.
image 4; a beautiful green door near the Mississippi River in NE Minneapolis, MN
The eternal juice of life, water, catches the unusual fire of light as I get to close to focus on anything.
This image is tea, brewed and spilled and steeped from the leaves of a plant that continuously replenishes it foliage.
Thank you.
image 5; spilled tea and light catch my eye while resting on an old board. I love tea.
Thank you for hanging around as I experiment with these unusual posts.
If you like this check out this post
Take great care out there and enjoy some down time this new moon.
...Get the sunset
Love the door picture!!!!!
Interesting series.
"spilled tea and light catch my eye while resting on an old board. I love tea."
This is so genuine and real. I am left wondering what an old board looks like here, and how you would be resting on it (in a good way--I love wondering!).
these shot are realy great to see thank you for sharing this upvoted keep up the great work
Thank you!
i love your photography style its so unique!
These are very cool! Love them :)
It's amazing the beauty all around us even sometimes in the most mundane of objects or places. I really like the way you manage to capture something special in each shot that helps us to see things in a new and inspirational way.
great shot showing the power of time. Followed you!
Great textures and colors you're capturing! Well done!
The 1st image is outstanding !!!!