Lecture activities

in #photography7 years ago

When someone graduated from senior high school, then the next way to do the activity is there are several options. Some of these options are work, marriage, or college. Those choices are the right of the students. When a person decides / chooses to continue his education, the level of education after high school or equivalent is a lecture / college. In the university world is known there are two types of universities, namely State Universities (PTN) and Private Colleges (PTS). Those who do college activities are better known as non-student students.
In college students will be facilitated with many majors. Students live alone who determine / choose the majors according to their interests and talents respectively. Of the few cases that are often encountered are the prospective students are experiencing confusion to determine which direction will be chosen. Actually this problem should no longer happen, because almost all schools in Indonesia have the name BK (Guidance and Counseling). Through this BK students will get a briefing on the selection of education majors. Maybe for another solution is the prospective student should have more consultation with people who are considered to understand about the college environment. In addition, students are also facilitated by SME (Student Activity Unit). In this SME students will gain knowledge about non academic that is useful for social life. Activities undertaken by the non-academic campus are all done by students, such as music performances, seminars, sports events, or many other activities.
As an opening activity for new students usually do ospek activities. Ospek is the initial activity of students to start college. The ospek activity is an introduction to the campus environment by the new students. This activity is very important for the smooth lecture activities of the students. After, through the activity ospek then students start doing activities as a college student. Jejang college education there are several kinds of Diploma Program 1 (D1), Diploma 2 Program (D2), Diploma Program 3 (D3), and Bachelor 1 (S1). D1 program is taken for one year, D2 taken for two years, D3 for three years, and S1 taken for four years. Of the four programs are the same activity, namely learning. The only difference is the length of the education process.
For S1 program, students do normal education for 8 semesters. With every semester students do lecture activities, UTS (Mid Semester Exam) and UAS (Final Exam Semester). After that at the time of college activities entering the 6th semester, students will conduct activities outside the campus environment ie KKN (Real Work Lecture). This activity aims to make students ready to plunge, apply, and socialize with the community. This activity students are asked to do useful activities to the community with provisions that have been obtained from the lecture. Then when the semester 7-8 students will be busy with the Final Task of the Thesis. Thesis is a final task that must be done by students as the end of education at university level.
Probably enough of me, hopefully this information is valuable and beneficial to all. For this paper, maybe it is not perfect, therefore I need advice as correction of this paper.
That is all and thank you!!