Ok so I'm pretty torn at the moment between these two cameras. I'm going to be buying one of them this week and I keep going back and forward between the two.
They're both amazing cameras and both very similar in specs and performance. The main difference with the A7R version is the 42mp sensor vs the 24mp on the A7. It also costs about 650 euro more (at least based on current prices).
I've got quite a few samples from both cameras in Capture One and am blown away by what both cameras can do. The resolution on the A7R is just insane but then again I very rarely get large prints done so the resolution may not actually be of any benefit. I don't often crop images either but I do like having the option. The A7 III seems to perform even better in lower light so images up to ISO 8000 are very clean and usable. Also the video performance of the A7 III in low light conditions is just insane. Its pretty much beats everything else out there at the moment at high ISO.
What do you guys think? Would the extra megapixels of the A7R III make much difference to you? Any other factors that would make you pick one over the other?
nice camera
Thank you
A7r 3 all the way. Either way I'm sure you'll be happy with your purchase. Just be sure to do your due diligence as you're not going to feel like you bought the "wrong one".
I was dead set on the R originally but the more I'm looking at sample files I'm not so sure anymore. 24mp is still huge and more than enough for what I shoot. That makes it tough to justify the price difference between them.
I hear ya. You're better off investing in lenses anyway as it'll hold it's value longer (especially at the rate Sony pumps out new cameras).
Let us know when you finally make your executive decision!
Yep totally. For all the nice tech that's in these new Sony bodies, the lenses will make far more difference.
I did a ton of research into these when I was shopping for cameras. From what I read, the huge megapixel amount is both good and bad. On the plus side, you can shoot in a LOT lower light, because you can't even see the ISO effect on the pixels after you resize. On the negative side, that can make you lazy, because you don't really need to have everything perfect since you're not likely going to be blowing it up to billboard size.
I ended up deciding on getting the older alpha a7 II, and then waiting for a future release, since I didn't feel like I really needed the upgrade, and it was a lot more in price. Still haven't gotten it though, since that was right before the crash, so waiting for crypto to return.
The A7 II is still a fantastic camera so not a bad choice at all. I know what you mean about the higher mp and reducing the files. Apparently with the smaller sensor on the A7 III it still beats out the A7R III in lower light, especially for video. I'm starting to think my mind might be made up here.
I think they are both great cameras and as you said it is mostly a matter if you need the additional resolution. I think I would lean towards the cheaper model, because 21 megapixels would be enough for me and I think the sensor quality of the A7 is also exceptional.
Yep the more I think of it that does seem the better option. The money saved would be better spent on higher quality lenses.
i will still choose sony A7R III
If your boss ask you to recommend for him, which do you say is better camera for him to buy? He has the same reason to buy the camera like you do, and you don't want to disappoint him.