Dear Steemians,
Below are photo taken at the backyard. Insect on a pink flower in the backyard; welcome to my blog; how was your day so far today? hopeful great. This are some some of the beautiful photography taken with my COOLPIX L22 but unfortunately this insect was seen dead so bad hey, i felt so sorry about it; i took few shots when i see this poor insect on the pink flower, i went get my camera and took few shots of it. i had no ideal what happened to it tho but this look great, i took few photos to share here below.

Thanks for stopping by on my post

Camera used | Nikon COOLPIX L22 |
Lens | 6.7 - 24.00mm 1:3.1-6.7, 3.6X OPTICAL ZOOM. |
Location | Osun State, Nigeria |

Wow... That is such a beautiful wiew 😍 I love that amazing flower, looks majestic and beautiful purple color. But that insect is just incredleble... Is it the color of the flower that makes it look a but purple or was it its colour?
To bad it was dead, but glad you got capture these shots. Really amazing ones and Thank you for sharing 😊 have a wonderful weekend and new year. 🌺 Cheers!
wow that's so cool...poor insect though lol
Sad for it ... Thanks for stopping by...
compliment of the season!!