Photo of the Day - #7

in #photography7 years ago

"When in NYC"

Always take pictures outdoors. As a photographer, I've always faced with this dilemma. Whether to shoot in studio or head outside to shoot on the streets. These aren't just any streets. These are NYC streets. Sometimes gritty. Always crowded. Definitely a challenge for any photographer.

9 out of 10 times, I will always choose to shoot on the street. There is something inspiring about it. If you search hard enough you can find the grittiness that made NYC such an iconic place to shoot. Even places as popular and crowded as Union Square can still serve as the perfect backdrop to capture some great environmental shots. Here is one of my favorite pictures I've even shot. It was a cold and rainy November day. The texture and beautiful decay of the city all around us.

To my fellow steemians who have started following me, and those who have upvoted and reblogged me, THANK YOU!! I hope you find my contribution to the community enjoyable and hopefully informative. I'll keep posting a 'picture of the day' from my own work, but will start posting additional content to give everyone a better understanding of photography, cinematography and how this industry works. I've worked as a fashion photographer all over the world including NYC, LA, Paris, Barcelona, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. I have also worked with the top model agencies around the world. Ask me anything and I'll be more than happy to answer. You have my attention. Please feel free to upvote and share my posts :)

