Sea Flowers, Jellyfish and Sad Turtles...

in #photography8 years ago

Firstly I'd like to apologise for not posting much. At the minute I'm using a crumbling laptop that has definitely seen better's just about hanging in there for brief interludes of activity!
I feel like said laptop myself to be honest at times ( Fibromyalgia ,depression,hormones to name but a few annoyances) but I'll save that for another post ;-)
Anyway, I hope those that have a Bank Holiday today are having a relaxing evening.

Here's some photos I took last summer on an old Sony Xperia L. Unfortunately I wasn't doing anything exotic like scuba diving!

As a treat my friends kindly took me on a day trip to the seaside. I found myself gently ushered into a Sea Life Centre grumbling "I don't usually visit these places" and "I hope they've changed their ways!".

Yes, I'm generally a miserable old grumpster but I decided to leave my mutterings at the door and see what was lurking in the abyss.

To my wonderment I found beautiful colours and glowing jellyfish..

As much as this was all amazing to see close up, Sadly I was brought back down to earth by this little guy... of a number of turtles, some of which had been rescued after eating life threatening amounts of carrier bags and plastics.
The centre did have a rescue program at least and one thing it did was remind me of the indirect impact we all have on the sea and the responsibility we have in looking after it and it's life, but it also reminded me of the roots of these type of parks and the damage we've caused in the process.

WARNING upsetting images.
Videos shared from YouTube. Channel links provided.

'Blackfish' trailer