Here's a some photos of last years March Solar Eclipse I thought I'd share With you..
These were taken on a Samsung S3 I think (I can't quite remember which phone I had at the time). I was using it to view the eclipse and avoid hurting my eyes, so thought I'd take a few pics while I was at it.
I love the way the clouds form here... some people have commented on it's Angel like shape.
I added basic filters to try and enhance the crescent a bit and cropped the bottom pic. They're a bit grainy but I was surprised my phone picked up anything much.
I'm not a professional photographer but I thought I'd add this to #critmypic . Please be gentle ;)
Definitely looks like an angel, maybe one was looking after you. Lovely pictures
Thank you :-)
What was your actual personal experience of the eclipse? I have heard a lot of people say there is something quite eerie and almost frightening about it.
It does feel a little eerie as the darkness descends. The dark Angel made it look almost apocalyptic! I like @karenb54 's idea though..a bit more positive :-)