Beautiful Photos from Anarchapulco 2018


A few scenic photos to decompress from the exciting and exhilarating speakers, conversations, and revelations we have while here.

I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave some feedback on YOUR favorite photo!
Baby & Momma Turtles! These guys were found on the beach early in the morning. I suppose (assumption warning!) locals collect them as a good way to make money with these exotic animals. I think personally it's sad to see the baby turtles in a cage instead of their natural habitat but at the same time, I wouldn't have gotten the photo otherwise! So, maybe a ying and yang metaphor rest somewhere in this train of thought. I hope the babies get a good home!

Beautiful Seed pod
I tried to keep one of these because it truly is beautiful. Yet, after a day or so it molded with a fuzzy black mold! Oh no! Best to leave this guy in the world where it was found <3


Amazing Flower
May be the best photo I've taken in my life! Thanks to the natural beauty found in Acapulco!

A couple of beach scenes to enjoy


Uno Mas :) it wouldn't be a beach photo without a coconut eh? Cheers!

Special thanks to Jeff Berwick and his team for throwing Anarchapulco 2018! What an amazing time it's been and it's only Saturday! Cheers to all the news friends made and the future of progress we can take from this conference and share with the world. I hope you enjoyed the photos! Again, please let me know which one was your favorite! Cheers!


All pictures are beautiful but I like the one with the turtle in the sand the most. :D

beautiful place, hosting a great event, please keep us informed on the conference! great photo the one before the last, so beautiful sky!