I gotta ask, what WAS that horse up to? What did you say to her/him/it? Inquiring minds might want to know. Like, mwaaah. Beyond horses giving us the nay, I'm STILL entirely intrigued by your phlower fotos. Not sure what it is. Maybe I have a brain cloud, but I'm pretty sure it's real. Just downright agog and amoked. Hope your Thoisdy is going well. Cheers (Oh, how I used to LOVE that show...)
Haha! My Thoisdy went great! Now, on to #MarketFriday! Yikes! Already. Wasn't it just Friday yesterday?
Awww, I think that is the kindesst thing anybody has said about my flowers. Thank you. That is so sweet and I do love to try to pair the words and photos. Although, there was no real pairing with that pony! LOL
He looked like he was giving somebody what for, didn't he? LOL Thanks for stopping in and giving me the kind words! Have a great Fry-day! It is going to be hot as you know what!
Market Friday Goes To Quincy Market Of Boston@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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