Amazing Uvac in Serbia - Photo Of The Day #638

Amazing Uvac in Serbia 😃

Daily Photography #638


Kanjon Uvca

Uvac canyon

Jedan od najlepših prizora u Srbiji je kanjon reke Uvac. Ovaj zeleni nedirnuti raj je scena koja se često pojavljuje u reklamnim spotovima i video spotovima iz Srbije. Meandri Uvca su prelepi i scena koju svako treba da vidi svojim očima.   One of the most beautiful sights in Serbia is the canyon of the river Uvac. This green untouched paradise is a scene that often appears in commercials and videos from Serbia. The meanders of Uvac are beautiful and a scene that everyone should see with their own eyes.  
Uvac je takođe poznat kao jedan od najvećih prirodnih rezervata za ugrožene vrste ptica. Posebno je poznat kao utočište Beloglavog Supa.   Uvac is also known as one of the largest nature reserves for endangered bird species. It is especially known as the refuge of the Griffon Vulture.  



Sony A6000 & Sony E 18-135mm (panorama)
1/350 sec

All images are my original work
If you are interested, you may order them for crypto.
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Screenshot 2021-09-23 121048.jpg


Dopada mi se fotografija, volela bih da posetim Uvac. Bila sam na Zlatiboru, videla sam Uvac, ali se na zalost nisam zadrzala. Nadam se da cu je posetiti.

Hvala sto ste podelili ovu fotografiju sa nama, @dejan.vuckovic :D

Hvala Sara, Uvac je zaista prelep. Malo je dalje od Smedereva, zahteva bar ceo vikend, ali se fino uklopi sa Zlatarom ili Sjeničkim krajem. taj deo zemlje je još uvek prava nedirnuta priroda 😉!PIZZA

Mislim da vredi potrositi ceo vikend. Taj deo je zaista ostao netaknut, dok se na Zlatiboru samo gradi. Nisam imala osecaj da sam na planini dok nisam otisla malo van urbanog dela.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!






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We loved Servia

from Greece from Ioannina


Thanks a lot! Greeks are always welcomed in Serbia as our brothers.
I have never been to Ioannina, although I have passed next to the city couple times on my way to Corfu.