At first I just skimmed over your post and only read that you used a 50mm lens before looking at the picture. I nearly fell off my chair because I haven't seen any Photos like that before with a 50mm. The resolution, the colors and the reflections on the car are absolutely stunning!
Thank you very much for sharing the Brenizer method. I had never heard of it and I will definitely have to give it a try for myself very soon!
I would say that this is just the right picture for something like postcards or posters. Or maybe as a large format print? Did you consider selling it? If so, I would clean up the silhouette of the moon and the reflections it casts on the right side of the sky. Or maybe even remove the moon entirely? I'm just saying that because I think that it would make the picture look more polished. I'm not a huge fan of perfectly polished photos but I know that many other people are.
Haha thats awesome. Yeah its a very interesting way to shoot, and not many cameras can capture images like this. I keep forgetting this is an option when I want to shoot huge shots and still have that bokeh I love. Yeah try it out on something simple at home. Just remember you need to lock down EVERYTHING into manual (even lens autofocus), then just take multiple pictures like you can see in this example It doesn't have to be a ton of pictures like I did. The truck was just my test of the method so I need to refine it and shoot some even better topics before I sell (and I also don't know where to sell my work, haven't turned that corner yet). But thanks for the input :) Give it a try! edit: I added a gif in my post showing how I took the pictures in a Z sequence.