One of the most unbelievable sunsets sky I've ever seen. No filters or edits this is just the photo as the camera took it.
Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to catch this with my drone. This photo was from my Christmas trip to Ho Tram. You can see my drone footage here.
I hope you all have a great week. I'm working on a post that should help those new to Steemit. Should be finished by tomorrow.
Keep it real
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Thank you to my TOP 5 upvoters over the last week you guys are awesome!
Too good to be true. If i was not there, i wouldnt think this was the original colour ❤️
I know right! we were both blown away!
Daang, this looks awesome!
Can't believe that this photo wasn't edited.
Yeah it's a one in a million shot. It only lasted a few minutes as the sun was setting.Thanks @vaitelavicius
We vnese people are going to hold a meet up for steemian in Hanoi. contact me if you want to join.
Thanks for the invite. I'm in Saigon, so i'd need to get a flight. Will check flight times and get back to you.
Oh i see. Its so hard to you. I really want to invite foreigner join in meet up to share different view with vnese steemians. 😔
Hopefully I can make it someday.
Derek if you go up there ill pay ur way, plane ticket round trip and hotel stay.
WOW, so kind Dang! thank you.
This is such a beautiful view
It certainly was :)