Haha, that is awsome! In the preview it totally looks like a spectrum separation shot but in the large image you can see his hand is in different positions. Cool man.
Haha, that is awsome! In the preview it totally looks like a spectrum separation shot but in the large image you can see his hand is in different positions. Cool man.
:) I was a little concerned someone might think they were just different hued copies of the same image. Each one is a unique photo with 0 editing from the raw NEF file besides a crop. Thanks!
you can see his hair has moved too. How creative to think to snap photos with the light changes! Half the time I bring my camera because I feel like I miss out on experiencing the event. What can I say? I'm a work in progress. lol
Trying to think like a photographer definitely steals attention away from the music, I don't blame you!