Hearts Pop Out Everywhere: 7 photos

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I see hearts everywhere and take photos of them when I can. I am slowly organizing my collection of heart photos! Here are some more for you. I didn't mess with any of these photos in any way. These are all hearts I snapped quickly with my iPhone when on walks or hanging out and randomly a heart just appeared.

Heart Sunset

When i saw this in my folder I was like ... did i really take this one? I can tell it is mine though because I recognize the lampposts that are by the train tracks.


Heart Fuzz

Spring can't come soon enough for me. Have some fuzz.


Heart stream

Look closely, the stream formed a little heart.

Spilled Heart

Did not do this on purpose!


Rock in the River Heart


Light Shining Through Heart


Assembling Heart

My imagination says this one is animated.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you are all having an alright day. I kind of want to take a huge walk but I am going to be studying today. Wish me luck and strong coffee!


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So cute that you see hearts everywhere. I once found a heart-shaped pebble on the beach once and took it home :)

The funniest thing is everyone tells me about thier heart shaped rocks and I actually rarely find those!! Like never! You would think I had a collection at home or something like some folks do...but no. I collect peices of bark .

Hi dflo! These are beautiful pictures! I love you take pictures of heart! Thank you!

Thanks! I am glad that you like them! I have many more to share !

I think it's incredibly cool that you not only see them, but you take pictures of them. Really a cool deal.

Thanks for sharing them.

How beautiful, my sister. I love love. I believe these hearts you see are indicative of the love and lightness you embody, and envision for all the world. Proud of you for documenting and sharing.

Thanks Cabe <3 thats a really kind compliment. Its so nice to have you visiting my posts. :)

It looks lovely. :)

I love it! Great heart photos!