I love the rose flower too. Do you love rose flowers?

in #photography7 years ago

Species Roses


Species Roses are often called Wild Species Roses. Species Roses often have relatively simple, 5-petaled flowers followed by very colorful hips that last well into the winter, providing food for birds and winter color.I like the rose flowers very much.


The most popular Rose species for sale today is Rosa Saragossa owing to its superior hardiness, disease resistance, and extremely easy maintenance. Species roses are widely hybridized. Wild Species Roses include many different varieties. Wild Species Roses usually bloom once in the summer.I like the rose flower of my girlfriend.I love taking photos of rose flowers too.


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I like your post very much to me. I hope this is always better post than ever.

your post is very beautiful
i like this thank you so much...hi #Diproy i am Arif just upvote you!

First photo is best

I love flower.Actullay there is no body in this world who doesn't love flower

Rose is the symbol of Love. If anybody Love anyone, these man always try to propose him/her with a beautiful Red Rose..Every person of the world like flowers..Different types of flower we can see our natural environment. That's why man like different item flower..

rose I also love @diproy, flowers are not those people who are not loved. In particular, red rose. Thanks brother.

rose is also my favorite i love rose also

Every person loves flowers and I too

Hi @diproy. I love rose flower. Your photography is very cool.

I like flower very much & the first photo is awesome ...Nice post Brother