Hey man thanks for watching my videos, first time to receive a comment from you so I appreciate that. Thanks for watching. I have 4 different active channels (not as active as before though). A shorter version of this without drone footage, without a secondary b-roll, without all the added high def photos and at 720p was done on @dsongs - my wife a few weeks back. I wanted to make my version, which included around 2 hours of additional editing so this isn't the same content, it's much fuller. I see where you're coming from, however in my eyes I don't consider this a "mash-up" of an "almost same content." It's got a lot more work put into it and a lot more elements. I did spend a lot of time adding to it and then making a full 1080p version.
Thanks for your concern though. I'll definitely try not to do that, but if I want to add to something original and improve on it and share it, then I'll go ahead and share it. As a photographer and videographer, sometimes we go back to original photos and we make secondary version. Or just like a director of a movie, sometimes they'll go back and do a second edit. Still a lot of work is put into it and I believe adds value to the blockchain. Especially professionally done videos like this one.
I really appreciate the feedback, noted and considered.
Thanks for the detailed reply man to my concerns , have a pleasent evening cheers !
Thanks 🙏 I’ll definitely be checking out some of your stuff from now on too :) same to you!! Evening!! Are you in the US?