
@dobartim, yes it's important we work to be better and improve ourselves everyday.

Besides, using bicycle is a very healthy thing to do. It's a good form of exercise.

Excellent healthy way

Cycling is very useful
I also like the bike :)

Yes it is

Energy and Invincible Determination!

Energy is real power

Yes, Dynamic Energy!

We will surely win together

See you on the top

I suppose we should always try to best ourselves. If we aim to impress the "us" of yesterday, that's probably a healthy form of 'one upsmanship' :)

Healthy life above all

I agree with you. Daily we should strive to be better than yesterday.

That is correct

I just got a bike today, great exercise. I can quit a workout any time but if i ride far away i have to get back so i have no choice

Excellent news

Que bueno que andas en bicicleta, en algunas regiones de mi país es muy frecuente el uso de bicicletas para ir al trabajo, solo que ahora se complica un poco porque hay mucha delincuencia, y te pueden robar la bicicleta al dejarla en la calle. Sin embargo es un ejercicio super saludable y medio de transporte efectivo y ecológico.
En mi país tiene sus pro y sus contra.
Solo espero que esta crisis pase pronto y regrese la normalidad a nuestras vidas.
