I know you were mentioning fashion but I LOVE your dressing table and dresser/bureau as well as your dress form. Is that the form you use to pin patterns? I once made a homemade dress form with a friend, putting a bin liner/garbage bag on like a shirt and having them wrap me in duct tape, then you cut it off. It was a hilarious afternoon but it did work. It was odd to see my torso so replicated, but you just stuff it with polyfil and tape it back together and it was brilliant to stink pins into when pinning a garment on.
I love that you love the vanity and dresser! I almost died when I found this set. The form is one I picked up from my old job. You can pin patters to it.
That’s so interesting that you both used a duct tape method because I’ve seen cosplayers use it to make corsets and battle armor.