
Ok, that's good news for start of week @donnadavisart ...crossed fingers that soon everything will be as usual with you guys..

I'm just starting to get back into the swing today. Although we are expecting another storm tomorrow, so...We shall see.

Another storm :( Hope some miracle will take it away...We are finally starting to see some sun here after week of snow and very low temperatures. But I believe it's huge difference living outside city and being struck with power loss like you did..

When the generator works and we have internet it's not bad, but this last time we had the generator but no internet, it was down all around us. Now we have no generator so it won't be fun. The city is good for this type of storm for sure.

Yes but only for that..thinking to escape from it..hope one day my dream will come true to join some nature and more quiet life than city rush.

How do the quail do in such awful weather? I don't remember if they need a heat lamp or not. I'm glad you're back!

They don't need a heat lamp at this stage as they are full grown and really able to handle really cold weather. They were fine and even their 'chick's were good, as they grow so fast they are already fully feathered as well. My chicks (monty's friends) Were under a heat lamp but luckily they were kept warm by the quail chicks as they are fully feathered and are growing up together.

That's great news! I'm so glad all the animals fared the storm well. :)

Yaay, back to some semblance of normalacy. I can't imagine doing all this on a phone.

I'm trying. Now as long as tomorrow's storm doesn't put us through it all again and this time we won't have a generator since our's died this last time. Oh, well.

nice post buddy