Headed out to get some photos of the sunrise yesterday. Was a bit early so I took a long exposure shot of the moon since it was cloudy and I figured it would look interesting.
I was out in the sticks which is always interesting. I could hear this pack of coyotes going crazy just a short ways away so I grabbed my gear and started to hike up this hill. Though it felt more like a mountain was a real pain how steep it was and I had foolishly brought my heaviest tripod. Had to wait about an hour and the sun started to come up.
I hiked up a bit father to get a another shot with sun rays peaking over the mountains that turned out great.
I sat around for a while longer and just enjoyed the view. Noticed a hot air balloon in the distance. Really like the way the composition worked out.
I always like to hike at sunrise. Don't always take photos but I'm glad I did this time. Hope you enjoyed.