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RE: @papa-pepper Combination Photo Contest Week 2 Entry 1: Giant Grasshopper Blowing In The Wind; Bonus GIF!

in #photography8 years ago

Really nice, educational posts- awesome. Your entry reminds me of the flying rocks when I lived in your state (cicadas- ouch). Good going- planting info and thoughts about super-foods / good medicine. Solutions and prevention of tough problems are all around us and always have been. I'm just days old here and am crazy happy to see so many great contributions from the various strains of... people! So Encouraging


Congrats on getting in on Steemit in the early stages! The potential for a super boom is very real!

Yes this is an amazing community with a lot of intelligent and worldly people. I wish you the best on here and appreciate you taking the time to make a comment. Comments like this will help you get a lot of support for sure.

Yes we have TONS of cicadas and actually submitted a cicada hatching photo for a contest last week!
