Roco mammas

So last night I went out with a few friends and we decided to go get some milkshakes... but why just get a normal milkshake when you can get a beast milkshake form roco mammas.


This is what they call a the slow death by chocolate.

It is crazy yummy and has so many different types of chocolate in it, from cruncky bits all the way to a syrup.

All in all it is super sweet and the chocolate burns your throat after a few bites, might just be me that can't handle my sweetness.

I would rate the milkshake a 7/10 as it is way over priced.
General look and creativity I would give a 8/10 as it felt like they were trying to hard to make a mess in a bottle.
Taste I would give a 6/10, too much sweet killed it for me, if they had more milkshake it would of been better.
My overall satisfaction rating is a 7/10 but I would not recommend it to my friends


That's not slow death, eatjng one of those can send you straight to a coma, aren't you worried about diabeties?

Interesting post 😍 Your photos are very nice..

That looks delllllicious

Smiling.... Roco mammas? What a name.. I've eaten lots of chocolate but a hell of a milkshake. Though the crunchy bits...mmm...gets me salivating already. Guess you enjoyed yourself @dragonslayer101

O man that things looks soooooooo goood.

Yummy ! That looks delecious i see that you passes a nice night @dragonslayer101

Next time you go there, order a Creme Brulee. I'm going to visit to check it out, as it is not easy to find a good one. It must be made with double thick cream or else it is just like eating custard.