I've been mushroom hunting here in Bulgaria a few times, and it is a must to have an experienced older person sort the ones taken home to see which ones are "iffy." Amanita muscaria, by the way, has an interesting etymology. The *muscaria" part comes from the Latin for "a fly," and in Bulgaria, they call it мухоморка -- which translates as "fly killer" or "fly sleeper" because it was used by our ancestors to deal with pest problems. They would cut the fly agaric at the base and place it in a bowl on the table -- where the flies would gather and die. True story!
Toxic, yes. Deadly -- if you eat them for too many years. They have an accumulative, overall, long-term effect on your kidneys, like alcohol.
That's why I eat mushrooms sold in the supermarket lol.
I've been mushroom hunting here in Bulgaria a few times, and it is a must to have an experienced older person sort the ones taken home to see which ones are "iffy." Amanita muscaria, by the way, has an interesting etymology. The *muscaria" part comes from the Latin for "a fly," and in Bulgaria, they call it мухоморка -- which translates as "fly killer" or "fly sleeper" because it was used by our ancestors to deal with pest problems. They would cut the fly agaric at the base and place it in a bowl on the table -- where the flies would gather and die. True story!